Top 4 situations that bother dispatchers

Oct 23, 2015

The work of dispatchers is far from easy. To be an exemplary dispatcher, you have to be reactive, versatile and especially keep your head on your shoulders! But even the best ones can be confronted with unusual situations that can quickly make them lose their smile. We take advantage of the moment to present 4 difficult situations at work with some tips to avoid them or better control them!


An express staffing request arrives but you must leave the office very soon


The efficient execution of a dispatcher is calculated on the its ability to make a good placement in a short time. This ability is thus strained daily and often at the worst time of day: when leaving the office!


Whether for a temporary or last-minute staffing request, you need to act quickly! So, always be prepared by preparing your work tools in advance. For example, make sure you include as many search criteria as you need on your staffing software. Also keep your files up to date. This includes work experiences, telephone, address. Finally, use all available tools to quickly contact the candidate. No one answers the phone? Can you send an email… a SMS !?


With these small details, you’ll be able to view and assign the candidate faster to the job asked and without stress.


A busy colleague is sick and has to be replaced


The work of a dispatcher can easily become very personal. In this sense, each dispatcher has a high number of files that he ends up knowing by heart. Each person accumulates personal notes that enable him to evaluate candidates and fill positions more quickly.


So what happens when a dispatcher takes over a colleague’s job? The secret is to keep good communication at work at all times. PRIM Logix software allows, for example, to synchronize Outlook accounts to ensure real-time tracking with the development of all mandates and investment history. Agents can also annotate the files to comment on the success of the needs and the satisfaction of the candidates.


Every detail counts! Better communication will be the relation between agency staff, feasier will be the job.


A candidate is very nice, but does not seem to like any proposed position


Nothing is more frustrating than a candidate dissatisfied with his job opportunity. A good distributor must analyze the situation and correct it before the next staffing request. But what to do when you get the impression that nothing can please the candidate in question?


You just have to persevere and persevere even harder! Take time to annotate and detail each request. What were the points most liked and least appreciated by the candidate. You will then see a consistency between jobs to better guide your work.


Also, do not limit your work to the candidate’s experience. Also check out what the employer has to say and record their comments on your candidate’s file. Let’s not forget that the candidate can be great, but we do not invent a job for him! It is therefore necessary to try to satisfy each candidate through what the customers have to offer.


I have a very distracted candidate, he loses everything on his way!


The job of a dispatcher is of course to effectively place the candidate. However, the task is only 100% completed if the candidate completes the requested tasks as planned. So how to do it when you have an experienced and gifted candidate, but very distracted!


“He arrives late, he gets lost, he lost his work schedule, he did not wear good clothes …” These are comments from the customer that must be avoided. To do so, send as much information as possible to your candidate: work schedule, dress code and even directions to get there.


Here are 4 situations, some more common than others, that any dispatcher tries to avoid at all costs. And you, what situations at work make you lose your smile?

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