Management software for staffing agencies: accounting

Jul 30, 2015

In a highly competitive industry like staffing, where every second counts, saving time while simplifying the tasks of its employees is a Holy Grail. If management software for staffing agencies is designed to make recruiters’ jobs easier, PRIM Logix is also thinking of your accountant. And the latter will love you!


Regardless of the size of the agency, a person or department must perform accounting-related tasks. To simplify this process, using accounting software is a winning strategy. But whether it is to manage customer invoicing, candidate payroll, or employee compensation; It is essential that information is classified and structured upstream, for example through your recruiting software.


Which are the 3 assets that your recruiting software must have to make your accountant’s life easier?


1. Simplify billing for agency clients.


Each customer has its specifications regarding billing. Some ask that their grouping (parent company) be invoiced. Sometimes taxation needs to be tailored to the client’s province. In short, several scenarios are possible. Other clients will ask for differentiated billing according to the departments concerned, while others will want the differentiation to be done at the level of candidates provided by the agency. So does the staffing software to support all these specifications and avoid the temporary or permanent staffing agency being caught unprepared at a specific request from a customer.


PRIM Logix facilitates this process, thanks to computerization and task automation, but also to maximum advanced configuration that adapts to each situation that the head of the accounting department may encounter.


2. Effectively manage payroll for candidates


Most temporary or permanent staffing agencies must fill a multitude of different positions for different professions. Each of these positions are offered at a different hourly rate, so when the agency manages a very wide variety of positions this can be complex! Your staffing software should sort it out for you and allow you to effectively manage all the variables. At this level, PRIM Logix allows the agency a complete configuration of pay rates and tax rates. Do you want to manage different salaries in one click for the same candidate assigned to two different clients? Maybe you need to consider the seniority or qualification of a candidate? PRIM Logix lets you do this, and more!


In addition, the staffing software integrates easily with your accounting software and your payroll management services thanks to solid and reliable bridges between your solutions, whether through an application programming interface (API) or exporting data to an Excel sheet.


3. Employee Compensation


Taking care of the compensation of agency employees can be complex for a structure with many employees. For example, managing sales team commissions can be cumbersome. The incorrect allocation of bonuses can lead to conflicts and therefore there is no room for error. Management software for staffing agencies that keeps information up-to-date and refreshes automatically avoids some human errors.


Choosing effective staffing software both optimizes the time of each employee and makes their daily lives easier. A quest in which PRIM Logix stands by your side!


*This article was originally published on July 30, 2015. The changes made to the PRIM Logix staffing software since that date have led us to update it.


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