New recruiting software: how to effectively train your employees?

Aug 26, 2015

The transition from a staffing agency to a new recruiting management software is sometimes tumultuous. Indeed, some companies have been using the same software for many years, and employees can be diverted when a change occurs. It is then a matter of making the transition as efficiently as possible, without reducing the productivity of the team or its motivation.

To this end, some solutions are implemented by management software to facilitate this transition and to face the possible difficulties of the employees.


Provide specialized training


The aim is to train the employees of an agency in the use of new recruiting software, it is very interesting for them to attend a course which aims to explain the operation of the software. Several formulas exist:

  • An individual training, during which an employee is explained the specificities of the software, and can himself evolve on the software while asking questions to the trainer. This type of training is a little costly although very effective.
  • A group classroom training, which allows a trainer to explain in detail the different functionalities of a software to the employees, who themselves can perform the basic tasks at the same time as the trainer. This type of training is effective because it allows to train several people at a time, but dedicates less time to the weaknesses of each one.
  • Seminar training, which provides a live demonstration of software features. This type of seminar makes it possible to benefit a greater number of employees in training, but these do not carry out the various actions simultaneously with the trainer.


Set up a help module


An online help module is also very beneficial for employees, so they find accurate answers to their questions once they start using new software.


The more organized and accurate the information, the easier it is for the employee to find answers to his questions. For example, it is possible to classify the information by categories, which will guide the user in his search. For a module even more intuitive and practical, a search engine by keywords is a true added value, because the user does not even have to explore the interface, it is enough to solve his problem.


To complete the on-line help module, some software packages establish a “live chat” system, Which allow agency employees to get in touch directly with a professional who will be able to advise them.


Provide explanatory videos


Last element: the explanatory videos. These are very useful to guide customers and provide them with additional explanations about the software, in a more understandable way.


Indeed, a user will have much easier to follow explanations in image rather than to read an explanatory manual, sometimes very long. An explanatory video about a management software or recruiting software will usually film the process in question, and the user will only have to reproduce the same actions. A voice-over is sometimes used to explain the process even more effectively.

On the same diagram we find the “webinar” Online, a system that allows users to benefit whenever they want interactive content that teaches them to perform common tasks.


As a staffing agency, is the transition to new software a problem? What do you expect from a training system? Do not hesitate to share your opinion with us in the comments section!

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