The benefits of digital transformation for temporary staffing agencies

Mar 8, 2022

As you probably know, at PRIM Logix we are committed to supporting your staffing agency in its digital transformation. In fact, I recently explained here why placement agencies have everything to gain from a successful digital transformation.


But let’s think about it further if you will.


Your staffing agency has a diverse group of employees, all experts in their field. How can they benefit from your company’s digital shift?


In other words: what does the digital transformation of your agency bring to the administrative assistants? To recruiters? To the business development manager? And to your accountant?


Many positive changes, for better efficiency!


For Stephanie: a simple way to save time for administrative staff.


Stéphanie is an administrative assistant in a staffing agency specialising in the health sector. For sixteen years, she has been at the helm! And her boss makes no secret of the fact: without her, the agency would be lost! For her colleagues, Stéphanie has become the agency’s “living memory”. She knows the employees inside out. She can quote all the clients’ preferences from memory. And, above all, she remembers what it was like to fill in files when the agency had not yet started its digital transformation.


At first, of course, Stephanie was reluctant to embrace these new technologies. To tell the truth, she even thought that this new fad of wanting to computerise everything would waste her time. That nothing was better than the good old-fashioned way.


But just a few days with PRIM Logix were enough to change her mind. Even better: during the training she received, she saw how the software could be adapted to her own working methods!


What convinced Stephanie to adopt PRIM Logix?


  • Saving time in routine operations


Checking work permits, keeping work contracts, entering time sheets. All these repetitive administrative tasks, with little added value, are dematerialised and automated within the digital platform. The time thus freed up can then be devoted to other activities. Communication, relations with placed employees, training, project management, etc. Tasks with higher added value for the agency, and which give Stéphanie the feeling of having meaning.


  • Centralized information

PRIM Logix is both staffing software and a client relationship manager, allowing the placement agency to gather everything it needs in one place. The fact that all documents are dematerialised and centralised in the same tool has become crucial in the age of teleworking. Employees like Stephanie lose less time searching for information in different software.


  • Reduced risk of error


When all processes are automated, data is entered only once. Then the system stores and automatically inserts it throughout the chain. Need to send an email? The contact is already registered. An invoice to be issued? The billing address is already configured. This reduces the risk of errors. And with it, the risk of dissatisfaction on the part of candidates or clients.


For Simon, it is an indispensable support to the recruitment officers.


A recent graduate, Simon is bursting with enthusiasm! A technology enthusiast, he had no trouble getting to grips with the software used by the recruitment agency that hired him. Young, dynamic, and soon to be a father, he’s enjoying life to the full! And that’s just as well, because what he didn’t learn at school was the reality of the field. “The heat of the warzone”, as his colleague says. Reactivity, multitasking, autonomy: once in the heat of the action, Simon quickly understood that his placement software would be much more than a tool: an ally in his digital transformation journey.


The current challenge for recruitment agencies is the lack of available manpower for jobs in short supply. And the strong competition that exists in this field does not make things any easier.


How can a recruiter like Simon become more efficient?


  • By increasing customer satisfaction


A scarcity of labour and an abundance of recruiters: to stand out from the crowd, Simon must be able to rely on his agency’s digital solution. He needs to be able to quickly publish an offer received, on several media at the same time. But he also needs to be sure that the profiles of the selected candidates correspond to the specific criteria required by the client. With PRIM Logix, the recruitment process can be fully automated: candidates can respond to advertisements and their profile is immediately analysed. If the profile is relevant to the client’s request, the match is made and the candidate is directly assigned.


Would the client prefer to consult several CVs to select his employee? No problem: with just two clicks, Simon can send him all the resumes that PRIM Logix has deemed relevant. And provide individual follow-up for each of them, using an automated job tracking system.


  • By building candidate loyalty


This digitisation of the recruitment process helps to build loyalty among digitally literate candidates. Thanks to their dedicated digital space, they can consult new offers in real time, at any time and wherever they are. When they can sign an employment contract very quickly, they don’t go looking for work elsewhere.


  • Improving your agency’s employer brand


This gives recruitment consultants more time to promote the benefits of their agency to employees. It can be interesting to work on your employer brand to attract interesting profiles. For example, good communication on social networks, centred on the agency’s own values, can be one way.


For Marie-France, it’s more services sold by marketers.


Marie-France oversees business development at a large staffing agency in the Montreal area. Her main asset? She understands the client’s needs even before they have formulated them!


A year ago, the adoption of PRIM Logix by her agency changed Marie-France’s work. The customer relationship is indeed transformed by the deployment of a complete digital solution. And Marie-France has a whole range of arguments at her disposal to meet the needs of even the most demanding clients!


What benefits does PRIM Logix bring to Marie-France?


  • Creation and management of requests by the client


Thanks to a dedicated platform, Marie-France’s clients can directly enter their requests for short-, medium- or long-term replacements. This allows them to play a greater role in the recruitment process and to react quickly to any situation, without administrative delays. This gain for the client also saves time for Marie-France’s dispatch colleagues. Indeed, the shifts are already created in PRIM Logix and ready to be processed.


  • Direct selection of relevant candidates via the web platform


On their web platform, Marie-France’s clients can also view and comment on the CVs of candidates who have applied. Of course, this can be done at any time, even outside the agency’s opening hours. This functionality speeds up the process and ensures that the client is assured of the quality of the recruitment.


  • Direct communication with the agency


Validate the hours worked by the agency’s employees with the client. Add a signed document for verification of hours. Or consult and pay the invoices issued by the agency. The client has direct and secure access to his file and can follow the progress of his requests at any time.


Do you want more?


Thanks to PRIM Logix, even the accountant at your staffing agency can become your new best friend. Rediscover here these 3 assets that your accountant will love.

To schedule a demo: Demo 1h via Microsoft Team

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